While in urban areas public transport is largely functioning and new innovations are being tested, in rural areas overcoming the last mile from the train station is still a huge problem. Developing solutions for the countryside is often not the focus of large technology companies, which is why solutions for the city are usually copied after many years of delay – with very high infrastructure costs for rural communities.
We believe that getting from A to B must be possible for everyone. Our concept for an automated feeder shuttle – the “BuBo”, short for “Bus (Ro)Bot(er)” – brings together all the technical and social elements that already exist today to keep people mobile in rural areas:
- Short-distance mobility & feeder
- Focus on rural areas
- Fully automated, simple, robust
- Inexpensive to purchase and maintain
- Broad mobility interests
- Local value creation
- Decentralised, open and cooperative
We provide more information in our project presentation [PDF] and an overview in our one-pager document [PDF].
Do you have a background in transport planning, software development, vehicle engineering, etc. or are you simply interested in contributing?
Become part of our open innovation process: help shape tomorrow’s automated rural driving by combining ready-made social and technical solutions today!
Contact us at bubo[at]trepsti.org